Our chocolate gift boxes contain a variety of those listed below but if you have a particular preference, please notify us when ordering.
Duncan's Parisian Creams made by the Arran Chocolate Factory

Choose from Apricot, Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, Passion Fruit, Lemon, Lime, Blackcurrant, Pineapple, Ginger, Caramel and Coffee (which contains Tia Maria)
James McLehry of the Arran Chocolate Factory, Scotland

James started experimenting with chocolate making from the back of his parents cheese factory on the island 18 years ago. His shop is now based in Brodick and he is one of our biggest suppliers.
Most popular include: White Chocolate Lemon, Mandarin Marzipan, Coconut Delight, Caramelised Hazelnut, Champagne & Ginger, Peanut Butter & Jam, Almond Praline, Cherry Cream and Hazelnut Praline.
Visser hand-painted 'Picasso' chocolates from the Netherlands

A refined combination and beautiful balance of sweet and sour, bitter and crunchy, all melting in your mouth. Every chocolate is an explosion of taste. Expect the unexpected with this range, including their pralines, which are among the best we've ever tasted.
Best sellers include Orange Blossom, Thai Chilli, Jack Daniel's, Cassata and Salty Peanut.
Van Coillie (Pronounced Van Kwaalee) from Roselaare, Ostend

Renowned in Belgium for being the best there is, these are some of the most spectacular chocolates you will ever see with all the fillings made completely on site from all-natural ingredients by Mr Van Coillie's grandson, Alexandre. Consistently rated by members of the Chocolate Tasting Club as their top ranking chocolates.
Best sellers include Strawberry Cream, Brandy Alexander, Whole Walnut and Spiced Cranberry Bombe.
Kimberley's from Windermere, England

This range all began when Mike Crowe took one of his sons to a restaurant in Belgium which served the most amazing chocolates he had ever tasted. He was told they were made by Pralineur Van Coillie (see above) who was eating at the table right next to him. After months of intense training, family-run Kimberley's were soon producing chocolates in the heart of England.
Their English classics such as Rose & Violet Creams are consistently one of our best sellers as well as Chilli & Lime, Salted Caramel and Black Forest.
Pralibel from Vichte, Belgium

A major player in the French chocolate market and producer for two of the world's premier Belgian chocolate brands (who shall remain nameless), Pralibel use only cocoa butter in their chocolates and the finest ingredients available.
They have been one of our largest suppliers for 17 years with the best sellers being Mango Cup, Pistachio & Blackberry, Raspberry Ganache and Coffee Cream.
Natra Jacali from Bredene in Belgium

The merging of Spanish company, Natra and family-owned Jacali, created one of the largest producers in Belgium allowing the company to expand its quality chocolates into more than 60 countries. After visiting their premises in September 2016, we were blown away by their fabulous range of truffles and their passion for quality and flavour. Their praline seashells contain 42% hazelnuts unlike the cheaper supermarket varieties with just 12%.
Best selling truffles include Amaretto, Dark Orange, Tiramisu and Champagne.
Just launched in November 2018 are our range of gin flavoured truffles too. What a hit these have been!

Duva from Belgium

Considered the masters of chocolate-enrobed fruit products including the finest quality Chinese stem ginger, orange slices, orangettes, dates and whole cherries.
Other companies dry the product too quickly (to reduce production costs) which can result in an over-dry product. Duva air-dries their ginger for 2-3 days before enrobing, resulting in mouth-wateringly moist chocolate gingers.
Seasonal Favourites

The choice is endless with beautifully-decorated pralines, fruit centres, truffles, caraques and mini eggs produced by almost all our suppliers. We choose a different selection every year based on quality and customer demand.

Now the big question is: "Where do you start?" With so many to choose from we hand pack your boxes with some of our best sellers along with some seasonal chocolates as well as long-standing favourites.
Indulge yourself or someone else and enjoy!