This last year has seen so many changes to our lifestyles and way of shopping that we’ve also had to make a lot of changes at Geraldo’s. We’re taking small steps but today is World Environment Day and we thought we’d shine a spotlight on some of the ‘green’ changes we’ve made.

Spot the difference in our ice cream spoons? Our previous black spoons were plastic but we’ve changed to cream because these ones are fully compostable and so much better for the environment. They don't match our brand but what's more important? Considering how many 1000’s of these we hand out every year it’s another small step. Think about what small change you could make the next time you're walking along the prom with your tub of ice cream.

All our gift bags are now paper and even our ‘plastic’ bags are biodegradable.
We reuse as much of our packaging as possible from supplier’s deliveries to package our online orders too. We believe it’s what’s inside the box that counts.

Every little helps and it’s so easy to start with small changes so please everyone, take a moment to think about all the walks you’ve taken in your beautiful countryside lately and what you can do to keep it that way for generations to come.

Let’s stop upsetting Sir David Attenborough! 💚
Toni & The Geraldo's Team x